This year many new members have joined our club as we provide help and guidance to those taking computer science classes. Additionally, many students are always thinking of new innovative ideas but sometimes are not sure where to start, and so we also help them get started with their ideas. A couple of the projects the club has worked on are one like this website(hackathon ideas, space balloon project). We have also worked on many project ideas at Hackathons. One of our main focus for the students in club is to attend Hackathons. These events are so amazing and fun and provide great chances for students to get involved to learn and make an idea actually happen, show off to real big companies for potential buisness or job opportunities, and meeting new great smart people to keep in contact with. Many big companies sponser these events, which help fund and make the event happen, but also these sponsers usually have categories in which the best project wins a variety of prizes! Below will be some links of more info on these actual Hackathon projects.

Hackathons you can apply for!

These are some of the greatest learning opportunities for any level of knowledge(literally ZERO experience). We are so excited for these upcoming semesters to bring more students to our club for chances like going to these amazing events and making new amazing project ideas. Here is a list of Hackathons with open applications anyone can apply to(ALL Virtual Hackathons per COVID-19):

Hackathon and Project Showcase

©2020 Enthusiastic Programmers